Profile for fatsteve


General information
Name: Steve Edwards
Location: Birmingham/ Bulgaria
Date registered 06.26.2013
Date of birth: 15. July 1961
Last online: 10.21.2021
Sex: not specified


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fatsteve has replied to a post
Sat Aug 17, 2013 12:01 pm | jump to post

Early days mate ! It is anticipated a lot more to follow in the run up to and after Xmas... If not you will have my undivided
fatsteve has replied to a post
Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:57 am | jump to post

Graham we will be building all sorts, If there is a strong demand for timeshares I will be considering building them in a terrace style up to 100 metres long !8 per block and 4 to 6 blocks However it will not be overcrowded it's a one acre site, time will tell what the actual demand is. There is an adjacent field I ave got my beady eye on but lets see what the take up is first. Whoever books up for the woodworking/ cabin building course will have the knowledge to construct their own if they so c...
fatsteve has replied to a post
Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:42 am | jump to post

BTW Graham, I have made your reservations on the calender, just click on the calender page at the top of the forum and roll forward to next year to view your booking.
fatsteve has replied to a post
Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:40 am | jump to post

The cabins will be built at my campsite, Once they are perfected to the highest standards the best ones will be rebuilt at Iglika, there will be other projects such as groundwork's... solar, and hydro installations at Iglika, it's a big undertaking.
fatsteve has replied to a post
Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:37 am | jump to post

Yes. The camping course is at my Mamarchevo site but the timeshares/ buys are at my Iglika site, It's an absolutely stunning spot right in the heart of nature.
fatsteve has replied to a post
Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:33 am | jump to post

Hi Graham,Believe it or not, I have had more enquirers regarding timeshare AND my cabin building course rather than buying, who would have thought that ! Maybe because the outlay is only £700 for timeshare opposed to £7500 to buy. Makes sense to me 10 holidays for £700. So it's more than likely they will all be timeshares AT THIS TIME. never say never !
fatsteve has added a new event to the calendar
fatsteve has added a new event to the calendar
fatsteve has added a new event to the calendar
fatsteve has created a new topic in the forum
Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:28 amAvailability


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