
How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:53 pm
by fatsteve • 69 Posts | 69 Points

One !
I built it in 2012 it was supposed to be a temporary shelter... somewhere to stay whilst I renovated my bungalow.
However I got a little carried away thinking may as well do this and that.. seeing I was building from scratch may as well take the opportunity to make it more comfortable and re-use it for guest accommodation after I completed the work on the bungalow.



RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:16 pm
by Pam • 6 Posts | 6 Points

Hi Steve, so you don't actually have any cabins for sale now ?



RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:26 pm
by fatsteve • 69 Posts | 69 Points

Hi Pam and thanks for signing up !
The short answer is no, however the full answer is I will have in 2014 ! You obviously visited my website to get the link to this forum.
Has you have been good enough to register you will be first to come and view the completed cabins next year. In fact i can go as far has to say you can stay for a weekend for free while you decide i will also pick up and return from the airport ! Depending on the take up there will be cabins available to buy or timeshare.



RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:29 pm
by fatsteve • 69 Posts | 69 Points

I am not expecting a large amount of interest this time of year but in in autumn/winter people will be thinking of holidays for 2014 so it is to your advantage to register now because first to register will get first priority after all there is very limited opportunities !



RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:32 pm
by Pam • 6 Posts | 6 Points

If i am interested when would I have to pay ? really interested in timeshare



RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:34 pm
by fatsteve • 69 Posts | 69 Points

Hi Pam I would like to move your last question to the timeshare forum and answer there :0)



RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:50 pm
by fatsteve • 69 Posts | 69 Points

A small deposit of £10 this year and the balance payable after the cabin(s) are built, You will have the option to stay for a weekend to decide, there is no pressure salesmen waiting for you I promise ! A ten year timeshare will cost you £700 and that includes everything ! so 1 week will cost £70 plus airfare/ car hire don't forget you can sell your weeks to friends etc and make some extra cash. Standard cabin will sleep up to 4. There will be larger cabins later of course depending on demand.



RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:46 pm
by steve • 8 Posts | 8 Points

are these cabins definately gonna be built ?



RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:50 pm
by fatsteve • 69 Posts | 69 Points

Hi Steve, thanks for joining,
Most definitely yes.... have some clients already signed up for my cabin building courses next year, depending what people want, timeshare or to buy will dictate what is built at the time



RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:36 pm
by steve • 8 Posts | 8 Points

whats the standard of theese cabins gonna be like and how big will they be ?



RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:42 am
by fatsteve • 69 Posts | 69 Points

Hi Steve,
Size of the cabins will be according to demand, there will be accommodation for 4 and 6 people 8 x 4 metre and 12 x 4 metre 1 and 2 bedrooms. I could fit them with high class fixtures and fittings however in all honesty that would increase unit prices and therefore push up all other prices. I would prefer to fit decent standard comfortable equipment and focus on quality cleaning and maintenance.



RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:44 pm
by crafty • 6 Posts | 6 Points

When are you going back to bulgaria steve ?



RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:50 pm
by fatsteve • 69 Posts | 69 Points

Hi John,
Not this year, but running what i need to run from here with my colleagues in bg. Hopefully depending on take up i will be travelling back next march after the winter snow



RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:56 pm
by fatsteve • 69 Posts | 69 Points

John can i ask you what part of the set up would you be interested in ?



RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:59 pm
by crafty • 6 Posts | 6 Points

well I was interested in the cabin building but I noticed you put the price up on your website !



RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:04 pm
by fatsteve • 69 Posts | 69 Points

Yes I understand you being hesitant however I do reserve the right to alter prices. I have included laundry service and a full time cook to the course and secured indoor sleeping arrangements for those who require it. all included in the new charge. When you look at the package as a whole it is very good value also taking into account there are extra weeks included at no extra charge. I have searched the web for similar courses and in all fairness... nothing has come close to what I have on offer.

Last edited Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:46 pm | up


RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Sat Aug 03, 2013 8:27 pm
by Pam • 6 Posts | 6 Points

googled working holidays and the only holidays i could see was volunteering hols and you have to pay £800 plus ! they are not item specific just manual labouring so what steve's offering is cheap ! Let me know steve when you have finalised places want to send my son !



RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Sat Aug 03, 2013 8:31 pm
by fatsteve • 69 Posts | 69 Points

Thanks for that Pam,
Yes I did research prices/ types of courses out there and have not come across anything comparable. If anyone can find anything similar by all means drop me a link !
I will be mailing all members on new developments very soon !



RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:40 pm
by fatsteve • 69 Posts | 69 Points
Wenn Sie hier auf Links zu eBay klicken und einen Kauf tätigen, kann dies dazu führen, dass diese Website eine Provision erhält.

Hi Guys,
I have re listed my items on ebay so you can pay deposits etc whenever you are ready. All weeks are available right now for the cabin building course
All payments can be made through paypal ensuring buyer protection. all places booked are guaranteed at time of purchase unless informed otherwise here on the forum and on ebay.



RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:27 pm
by crafty • 6 Posts | 6 Points

How many places will you have for each course steve ?



RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:36 pm
by fatsteve • 69 Posts | 69 Points

Hi John,
I have calculated there is more than ample room for 20 guests per 2 week cycle. in all there would be around 200 guest spots available for the season. I already have the humongous tent stored, the photo is on the website. There is spaces for upto 12 guests and i have secured a bungalow to accommodate another 8 guests. In all there could be upto 30 like minded people on site and loads of chat and banter at the local bar later !



RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:00 pm
by Pam • 6 Posts | 6 Points

What are the sleeping arrangements on the campsite ?



RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:24 pm
by fatsteve • 69 Posts | 69 Points

Hi Pam,
There is a large military type tent ( photo on website ) and I have secured a bungalow within the village, the bungalow is off site about 20 meters away ! The beds will be laid out dormitory style. Next year, depending how the courses go, I would like to invest in larger cabins to accommodate my guests. It's all going to be a great experience camping out especially the evenings sitting round a campfire filling our faces with grub and a few tinnies. Definitely NOT brokeback mountain ! :0)



RE: How many cabins have you got ?

in Timeshare Get a great deal Fri Aug 16, 2013 7:34 pm
by steve • 8 Posts | 8 Points

LMAO ! no stetson required


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